I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the new USB port and downloading designs. This article will explain step-by-step how to download embroidery designs from your computer into a Brother SE400.
You can connect the Brother SE400 directly to your computer (PC or Mac) with the included USB cable. You can then download embroidery designs saved on your computer into the SE400 for stitching. You can also upgrade the internal software in the SE400 when Brother releases an upgrade.
NOTE: The USB port on the SE400 only accepts a USB cable that attaches to your computer. It is not compatible with USB drives, thumb or jump drives, memory sticks, etc.
Find Embroidery Designs that Work with the SE400
There are many websites where you can purchase embroidery designs and download them directly to your computer. Most sites have free designs you can try. You can also obtain designs on CDs. Designs on CD can either be saved to your computer first or copied directly to the SE400.
Make Sure the Design File Is Compatible with the Brother SE400:
.PES or .DST Embroidery Data File Format
The Brother SE400 can only read embroidery data files in .PES and .DST format. The best format for Brother embroidery machines is .PES because it contains information about the design such as number of stitches, number of colors, thread color names, and allows displaying an image of the design on the LCD panel.
Tajima (.dst) formats have some limitations that make them less convienent. Only the first eight characters of the file name are displayed in the LCD control panel. The image of the design cannot be displayed. Because the .dst format does not contain the thread color information, the design is displayed with Brother’s default thread color sequence. You will have to look at the design and pick the color you want for each displayed color.
Sometimes embroidery design files that you download from the Internet are “zipped.” You’ll know because the file name ends with “.zip”. On Mactinoshes and Windows XP and later, you can just double-click the file to “un-zip” it. (If this doesn’t work on Windows, you’ll need to install a free utility such as WinZip.) Then you’ll see the .pes files.
Design Fits in the 4×4 Inch Embroidery Area
Although the maximum embroidery size is commonly refered to as a 4×4 inch hoop size, it really doesn’t depend on the hoop. The embroidery unit of the Brother SE400 is physically incapable of embroidering a larger size because that’s the maximum amount the unit will move. The actual maximum size is 3.93 inches (9.98 cm or 99.8mm).
Check the File Name
The SE400 won’t recognize embroidery files with special characters in the name. If you have a file name with special characters, rename the file before uploading it to the machine. It’s safest to use only letters (upper and lowercase), numbers, “-”) and underscore (“_”) in file names.
Connect Your Computer to the Brother SE400
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USB Cable Included |
Plug the square end |
Plug the flat end |
The Brother SE400 |
Plug the square end of the included USB cable into the USB port on the right side of the SE400. Plug the flat end of the cable into a USB port on your computer.
Make sure both the computer and the embroidery machine are turned on.
On the SE400 LCD screen, press the USB icon. This will take you to a screen that will give you information about the designs you’re downloading.
Look at the LCD Screen
It’s helpful to glance at the Brother SE400 touch screen while you’re copying files over. The message “Transmitting by USB” will appear briefly during the actual file transfer. And then you’ll see this screen giving information about the designs you have transferred over:
The first number at the top left of the screen is the total amount of memory you’ve used. The second number is the total amount of memory space. The SE400 can hold up to 12 designs or 476KB of data in its memory. After that you have to delete some old designs if you want to download more designs.
Next there is the button (looks like a pocket with an up arrow) for retreiving the pattern.
Under the button, there is the number of the current page and the total number of pages. Two designs are displayed on each page. In the photo above, I’ve uploaded three designs. So I’m on page 1 out of 2 pages.
At the bottom, there are images of the embroidery designs on the current page.
Copy the Embroidery Design Data Files to the Brother SE400
For Windows Computers (For Macintoshes, See Below.)
Back on your PC, you’ll have “Removable Disk” listed in “My Computer”:
Open the folder on your computer where you keep the embroidery files. Navigate to the particular design you want to download to the SE400. Right-click on the design file. Click on “Send to: Removable Disk”
Do not copy .zip files. You must unzip them first.
Do not copy folders to “Removable Disk.” The SE400 cannot recognize folders or find embroidery files in folders. The individual files must be added to “Removable Disk.”
Do not copy more than 12 designs to “Removable Disk.”
For Macintoshes (For PCs, Skip This Section.)
Although the manual says the SE400 is only compatible with PCs, it’ll work just fine with a Macintosh.
The SE400 will show up as an external hard drive, named “No Name.” Just drag and drop the embroidery files to this drive.
Do not copy .zip files. You must unzip them first. Just double-click it.
Do not copy folders to “No Name.” The SE400 cannot recognize folders or find embroidery files in folders. The individual files must be added to “No Name.”
Do not copy more than 12 designs to “No Name.”
A weird thing happens on the Macintosh. The Macintosh system puts invisible system files in “No Name” which the SE400 transfers over. So the amount of memory used can be 16 to 28KB when the machine is first connected to the computer, even before you’ve downloaded any designs. These files aren’t embroidery designs so there aren’t any images. Only the amount of memory used increases. This is isn’t a problem unless you’re pushing the memory limits with large embroidery files.
Retrieve the Embroidery Pattern
Move to the screen that displays the image of the embroidery design you want using the Next Page [<] and Previous Page [>] buttons on the right. Select the design by touching the image. The selected design will be displayed in reverse highlighting.
Then, press the Retrieve key (circled in red in the photo above).
The embroidery screen appears. From here you can check the colors, adjust the pattern, embroider it and/or save it to the machine’s memory.
Embroider the Design
You can either embroider the pattern now or save it in the SE400’s memory to use later. If you want to embroider it now, make any adjustments you like, set the machine up for embroidery, and press the Start button to begin stitching.
Saving Embroidery Designs
Unsaved designs are lost when the SE400 is turned off. So if you want to use a design again without copying it from your computer, you must save it to the SE400’s memory. This is a convenient way to save names and designs that you use frequently. Or if you’re starting a project or several projects that involve several designs, you can transfer them all over at once and save them. I do this so I don’t have to keep moving my computer next to the SE400 because I don’t have a large working space.
You can save up to 12 designs or 476KB of data.
After retrieving the design you want to save by pressing the Retrieve Key and going to the embroidery screen, press the Memory button. “Saving…” appears while the pattern is being saved.
Retrieving Saved Embroidery Designs
From the first menu, press the Retrieve Key.
The saved designs are displayed. Go to the design you want using the Previous and Next Keys. Select it by pressing it. You can then delete it or retrieve it to embroider.
Hope This Helps
I get a lot of questions about how to download designs into the Brother SE400 and the manual isn’t very clear. Being able to easily transfer designs from my computer with USB is very important to me because I’m always wanting something different. So I hope this article helps you do it too.
Now that you’ve saved your designs, you might want to delete some. See my article, “How to Remove a Saved Design“.
If you don’t have your embroidery machine yet, check out my Brother SE400 review for detailed information. Click here to see today’s price on Amazon.com.
Thank you so much for your blog, it has certainly been a great help as I am new to machine embroidery and I have had many of my questions answered.
can you use a larger hoop than a 4×4 on the brother se400?
Can you pull the saved embroidery design from the brother se400 to save to your computer? I ask because I got a new computer after I damaged mine. The only file I have now is the one saved to the machine. I’d like to save the file to my new computer but can’t figure out how or if I can even do it.
I love the step by step directions. My embroidery image is not showing up on my Brother SE400 screen. Do I need to update my sewing machine?
This is so incredibly helpful. I just downloaded and saved my first pattern for my daughters dance class costume without losing my mind because of you. Thank you for being so detailed and including pictures.
How do I put a po on my broidery square ty
i just bought a brother se400 machine and i am trying to put files on my machine from my computer and i am having trouble could you please help me on what i need to do.,….frustrated
I have several PES files on my Desktop which I used with my PED Basic. I just bought SE 400. How do I transfer these files to my laptop? Do I need to buy a converter since my computer doesn’t have an APP that recognizes the file time. Or should I just continue to use my PED Basic instead of the cord directly from my computer?
You should be able to save the PES files from your desktop to a USB drive without needing a program to open them. I open the file explorer and go to the PES file I need. Don’t try to actually open the file, or you’ll get an error. Right click on it, select copy, and then paste on to the USB drive. From there, you can save the files to your laptop, or keep them on the USB drive but plug it in to your laptop to send it to your machine. I hope that helps!
I just bough a SE 400 to replace a broken older 350. I have LOTS of PES files on my Desktop, which I have used with PED Basic. I would love to know how to get those files to my laptop and be able to use them with the cord. When I try to upload any of the files the computer shows that it is a blank file and there isn’t an APP installed to read it. I’m trying to decide which one to use, of if I must do it. Should I just continue to use the card with PED basic, or is there a better way. I see that some of my PES files somehow are on my Google drive…but not converted. Can I use them, or do I need to buy a converter?
I am having a problem with my Santa embroidery pattern that came with my se400 machine. After embroidering several of these, the machine now stops working properly near the end of the pattern. How can this be fixed?