Briefly, the Brother SE-400 Computerized Embroidery and Sewing Machine is the same as the Brother SE350 with an USB Port for computer connectivity. This USB port enhancement means that you don’t need to buy expensive software and a card reader/writer when you want to expand beyond the built-in embroidery patterns.
The Brother SE350 has been discontinued and replaced with the SE400. Except for the USB port, the Brother SE-400 is identical to the SE-350.
The USB port on the side of the Brother SE400 connects the SE400 directly to your computer with the included USB cable. You can then download embroidery designs from your computer into the SE400 for stitching. You can also upgrade the internal software in the SE400 when Brother releases a system upgrade.
Note: The USB port on the Brother SE400 is the type of USB port that accepts a USB cable and attaches to a computer’s USB port. It is not compatible with a USB thumb drive or memory stick.
Brother SE400 vs SE350 is really a no-brainer. The SE350 has been discontinued, but is still selling new for a price equal to or greater than the upgraded SE400. You can sometimes find a better deal, but remember to include the cost of the software and card reader/writer you’ll need to download additional embroidery designs. No matter how many built-in designs an embroidery machine has, sooner or later, you will want more.
I am looking to buy a used Brother SE-350. The price is good but it does not come with the embroidery arm. Can I buy Brother SE-400 arm to use with it?
Hi I’m in the UK and have just bought a pre owned SE400 from Ebay It came with the voltage converter so it’s working fine so far This machine is not availalable over here. But to my dismay as I tried to use the auto needle threader I realized that it’s broken. The part that pushes the thread through the needle is not there.can it be replaced do you know.?
Take the machine to a qualified Brother repair sewing center. This way you can get it properly cleaned & that part corrected. Shouldn’t be a problem.
I can not find operation manual on page 146 for instructions
I just got the SE400 and the Brothers website states the embroidery cards are discontinued. All the research I have been doing before my purchase and nothing mentioned that. Not sure if I am going to keep it.
Use this amazing tutorial:
It’s one of Kamala’s!
You say the SE350 is the same as the SE400. Also, I see that the SE400 will accommodate a larger hoop than 4×4. Do you know if the SE350 will also accommodate a larger hoop? I’d be really excited if I was able to use a 4×6 hoop!
I have a Bro
I have a Brother SE350. How do I use it with the memory card?
I have a Brother Innovis 950D. The dealer said that I absolutely needed the PED Basic software & reader/writer to be able to do other designs off internet. However, in the book it says I can download designs and put them on a USB flash drive and it should work. Am I correct I do not need the PED Basic software and the reader/writer? Of course, I know I may want to purchase software down the line but don’t care to at this time. I don’t want to buy at $150 if I don’t really need it.
Iam new to this so I don’t know much of the lingo of what you are saying but I want you learn every bad on how to get a good look I have two great grand children so I want to learn all I can
Hi, I bought the Brother SE-350 used, but only barely—like one time. Got a great price, and figured out why, once I got it home and started reading the manual and looking through everything. NO ACCESSORIES! I’ve looked at the Brother website, and the prices per item (various presser feet, for example) are exorbitant. Any suggestions on how to replace the missing items without breaking the bank? Thanks
Hi, Carole! I have a pro-tip for you. This machine doesn’t require Brother-branded feet. This is a low-shank machine, which is the most common. The overwhelming majority of snap-on and non-snap-on machine feet work with this machine. High-shank and slant-shank aren’t common, though there’s a popular vintage machine with a slant that is often referred to as the Singer Rocketeer because of its space-aged look. But those feet are marked as such.
Just hop on eBay and look for lots of feet. I’ve got feet with brands ranging from Griest to Brother to Viking to no name at all, and they all work perfectly fine. :)
Hi Kamala,
I thought I was ordering the Brother SE 425 from Home Depot but they sent me the SE 400. Can you please tell me the differences between these two machines.